becoming scripture

would posit that when the writers were writing, as a NT professor once said to me, that they were thinking that one day people we spend histories and days discussing what we should and shouldn’t do regarding how ‘they’ treated the situations they were in. i would say approaching scripture as an unfolding narrative and …

dear truth. (a letter)

i think i might find you in my favorite television show, and sometimes like a guest appearance you surprise me by showing up there. or in a song. or in the wind. or in a conversation i don’t want to leave or maybe one i wish i was never part of. i like it when i find you in the setting sun while i am sitting on the roof waiting for the mythical green band to peek-a-boo its way back down into the horizon. that word myth has got me thinking…have we made you up? or did you make us up? are you for real? are we all just wasting our time. is it true, what they say, that you are only found in a journey